Mille ans de cultures ashkénazes

1000 Years of Ashkenazi Cultures
Mille ans de cultures ashkénazes

Joint publication edited by J. Baumgarten, R. Ertel, I. Niborski, A. Wierviorka.
FOREIGN SALES: Russie (Text Publishers) - Brazil (Editora do Bispo)

The history of a world little known but central to European culture. The few books available on this subject only deal with one aspect or one period of this history and are often aimed solely at the academic public. Specialists in history, literature and linguistics have collaborated on this project.

  • Published on avril 1st, 1994
  • 672 pages


“Here is a book that all of us should read, Jew and non-Jew alike. It comes at an opportune moment, when such total confusion reigns in our memories.” Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace