Under the influence of pregnancy
Conduite en état de grossesse
Sidonie and Ferdinand have known each other for a long time.When they fall in love, they decide to make the first move by stopping all forms of contraception. Given their age, the years spent taking the pill, drinking, smoking, their generation’s infertility, stress, and pollution, their kid should make an appearance after several long months of diligent sexual activity – a prospect not without its attractions. But then, after just one week, Sidonie gets pregnant. Sidonie and Ferdinand then have to face the opinions, advice, and criticisms of those around them, as well as their own selfquestioning as future parents. Between friends, family, doctors, girlfriends, workmates, shrinks, passers-by, and everyone else who wants to add their two cents, Sidonie’s pregnancy, although completely without complications, is quickly transformed into a battle against prenatal paranoia.
A facetious handbook for the use of future parents and their family and friends, in the form of funny and incisive dialogues, to offer as a gift for others or for oneself.
As caustic, funny, and offbeat as the author’s previous book Comment lui dire adieu, sold in Germany, Spain, Italy,Korea, and Finland.
A post-graduate in literature (specialised in « Coffees and coffee shops in the French public and private sphere of the 18th century »), Cécile Slanka has worked as publisher manager for
many websites and publications, and for Unifrance, an organisation for the promotion of French cinema worldwide. She published Comment lui dire adieu in 2007, which was sold to Germany (Aufbau), Italy (Kowalski), Spain (Ediciones 62),Korea (Shinwon Publ.) and Finland (Avain).Now she writes at home and takes care of her two baby girls.
“It’s really funny and very well observed… Nine months of pregnancy from a point of view, let’s say… totally caustic.” Parents
“Corrosive and funny, whether you’re pregnant now or ever have been.” Le Soir
“Whether you’re a future mother, have a pregnant friend, or are a (young) and (very) curious man, this funny, light-hearted little work is definitely for you!” Psychologies
“A book to offer to all your girlfriends, sisters, sisters-in-law, to pregnant women who haven’t lost their sense of humor despite morning sickness and contractions!” Elle